
Keys to Fearless Time Management

No matter what time management tools you choose to use, the one thing a time management system cannot do is make you do something.

A time management system cannot choose your priorities for you.

A time management system cannot help you if you don’t apply it.

What is almost laughable is that the most effective time management system is something you cannot buy in a store or on-line. You actually have had it with you all the time. It’s in you, it’s actually the power you have to choose your own actions.  It is the fearless choices that you make when you are at your best.

I actually learned some of the powerful, fearless, and effective time management principles that I am about to share with you from Steve Chandler. Steve Chandler is the author of, “The Hands-Off Manager”, which is one of the most effective management, mentoring, and personal effectiveness books that I have ever read.

He is also the leader of http://www.clubfearless.net/ which is an extraordinary business development and personal development success club that has made a profound impact on my life and business. Anyone can join and if you choose to, tell Steve that I sent you. Ask him for a free month in the club and you just might get it!

The time management system that I am about to share with you can virtually change your life and business in a relatively short period of time. Anyone can develop the skills that I am about to share with you.

It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home parent, a small business owner, a corporate CEO, a student, or a retiree. I am going to lay this powerful principle right out in the open where you are free to choose to use it or leave it.

The powerful principle hinges primarily on two things: purpose and boldness.

To be effective at completing an important project or achieving a worthy goal, you must first have a clear and concise purpose.

Steve Chandler says, “When you declare a definite purpose to the day, things will just fall into place.” For example, if you had to catch a flight to New York, you have a clear purpose with a precise deadline! If you are not at the airport ahead of time, then you will miss your appointed flight. We can call this disappointed! To be on time for a flight there are a cascade of events that naturally fall into place. You will pack your suitcase. You will set things in order at the house. You will lay your clothes out the night before. Basically, you will carefully guard this most important appointment. You will remove and prevent any impediment to the successful completion of the goal of getting to the airport ahead of time. By the way, we get ahead on projects, instead of falling behind, when we have a written plan that we refer to and adhere to.

To remove and prevent any impediments to the successful completion of this important task, you have to be bold. If someone says, “Hey, let’s go to lunch or can I stop by or let’s go to a movie, etc.” You immediately say with all outspokenness, “I can’t, that doesn’t work for me, I have a flight to catch.”

The event of catching an important flight made its way on to your calendar. This is a master key to effective time management, i.e., guarding your calendar. Only put things on your calendar that you are going to commit to do. If you are not planning on doing something, then don’t put it on your calendar. But if you put it on your calendar, then you must commit to do it.

Guard your time like it is money. Time is the new money. If you wouldn’t let someone steal your money than don’t let them steal your time!

Even if your time is allotted for relaxing; don’t let someone steal your relaxation time. If it’s on your calendar then commit to do it.

Steve Chandler says, “Things happen when you make time for them and when you commit to them.”

The last powerful key that I will share is the kicker. This key can almost instantaneously change your effectiveness for the better. The key is to do only one thing. That’s right, do only one thing.

When you are in a conversation with a friend, co-worker, or family member, be fully engaged in the conversation. Do one thing.

When you have set aside time to do an important project, whether that is to clean your basement or to create a business proposal; just do that one thing.

Act like whatever you are doing is the only thing you have to do all day; do it beautifully, relax into it, do it with all of the joy and creativity that you can muster. When that one thing is done, pick one more thing off of your list and act like it’s the only thing you have to do.  Stress will consistently roll off of your back like water off of a duck's back, when you practice the art of doing one thing.  If there are seemingly a "million" things that are staring you in the face, simply pick one, refuse to let your feathers get ruffled, and get it done.  Just the one thing; do it peacefully, do it creatively, do it completely.  Before you know it, it will be done, and while you were doing it you may find that you had fun.  It's so easy!

No matter who you are or what you do for a living, no matter what age or stage of life you are in; if you practice the above powerful keys, you will improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

In review, remember the following keys for effective time management:

1) Declare a definite and clear purpose to your day and everything else will fall into place.

2) Don’t place things on your calendar unless you intend to do them. If it’s on your calendar then you must commit to do it. If it’s important to your life, family, career, or business then put it on your calendar and do it!

3) Practice boldness in protecting your plan and focus for the day. Stay on course. Plan your work and work your plan. Act like every task is a proverbial plane you have to catch. You would rarely miss a flight. Therefore, treat every task that you place on your calendar as equally important as catching a flight. If you do this, then you will set in motion the proper cascade of events that will help insure successful completion of your task (declared purpose).

4) Treat time like it’s money. If you wouldn’t waste money, then don’t waste time. If you wouldn’t let someone steal your money, then don’t let them steal your time.

5) Learn the power of doing one thing. Even if you say to yourself that you have a "million" things to do (which very few people actually do), just pick one thing and do it with complete focus, creativity, and joy. Act like it is the only thing that you have to do all day. When you successfully complete that one thing, then pick one more thing. By the end of the day, the week, the month, or the year; you will be a pro at effective time management. Even in “hectic” environments this can work wonders and reduce stress.

Try the above keys and see what amazing things happen for your life, family, business, or career.

Question: What keys for effective time management have you discovered or what is your greatest time management struggle?

I always look forward to reading your response!

Turn Your Setbacks into Accelerated Comebacks,

Craig L. Sanders
“The Comeback Specialist”

P.S. To inquire about Craig's book, "Keys to Manifesting Your Destiny", his coaching packages, or to have him speak at your event, please visit his website: http://www.craiglsanders.com/ 

P.P.S. Follow Craig on these following social media sites:

Twitter: @CRAIGLSANDERS http://bit.ly/5rMQy5

Facebook: http://bit.ly/8DHOzU

Linkedin: http://bit.ly/5kLw5F

Copyright 2010 Craig Sanders Unlimited, LLC


8 Ways to Benefit from a Crisis

A crisis is nothing more than concentrated information.
In spite of any situation you are facing in your personal or professional life, you can make it through with flying colors.

One of the things that I have noticed when I observe or help someone who is experiencing an adverse circumstance is how they often label what they are going through as negative, debilitating, impossible, etc.

Whatever you are dealing with regarding your circumstance, always remember that a crisis is merely providing you information, that’s all. It does not have to be labeled as positive or negative.

You got a flat tire, that’s not necessarily negative. It actually is a positive. Would you rather have had a blow out on the freeway where your life could have been at risk or would you rather walk out to your driveway or the parking lot and see that the tire is low or flat and change the tire? Many of you will only have to make a quick phone call to your road service operator and they will send someone out to change the tire for you!

No matter what the “crisis” is that you are facing, purpose to not “flip out” about what is happening. Life happens. It does not mean that something is wrong with you or that you are necessarily getting “payback” for something you did.

Author Mike Murdock says, “Crisis always occurs at the curve of change.”

I like to say that crisis occurs at the curve of positive changes.

Have you ever noticed that the world does not stop when you are experiencing a difficult circumstance? The world does not stop when you are experiencing a positive circumstance either. Traffic lights still turn green, yellow, and then red; business carries on as usual. Remember that crisis is nothing more than concentrated information, that’s all it is.

You stubbed your toe on the dining room table, your central nervous system sends a message of pain to your feet, the information let’s you know, “I need to be more careful next time and watch where I’m going.” The pain eventually subsides. No big deal. Virtually every area of your life has a similar modality.

As you or someone you know works through a crisis, remember the following keys:

1) A crisis is simply concentrated information.

2) Information is given to you so that you can process it and take appropriate action.

3) A crisis is not pervasive; it does not take over your entire life.

4) Deal with crisis appropriately.

5) Refuse to put labels of negativity on crisis. It is what it is.

6) Learn from the crisis.

7) Help someone else with what you have learned

8) Stay positive and stay proactive.

Apply the above keys to any challenging situation that you may be facing and increase your chances of having positive outcomes.

Question: How do you deal effectively with a crisis or a challenging circumstance?

I look forward to reading your response!

Turn Your Setbacks into Accelerated Comebacks,

Craig L. Sanders
“The Comeback Specialist”

P.S. To inquire about Craig's book, "Keys to Manifesting Your Destiny", his coaching packages, or to have him speak at your event, please visit his website: http://www.craiglsanders.com/

P.P.S. Follow Craig on these following social media sites:

Twitter: @CRAIGLSANDERS http://bit.ly/5rMQy5

Facebook: http://bit.ly/8DHOzU

Linkedin: http://bit.ly/5kLw5F

Copyright 2010 Craig Sanders Unlimited, LLC


3 Ways to Overcome Worry

No matter who you are, or what your experiences have been, everyone deals with worry.

Worry is to think about something negative over and over. Worry is a form of anxiety. Worrying is an ineffective use of our creative genius. Many people worry about things that are beyond their control. The majority of what people worry about never happens. So why do people choose to worry?

It’s almost as if people act like worry is a person that forces them to think worry thoughts. Worry is not a person, worry is a choice. Worry is not a person that comes to sit down next to you to say, “Hey, why don’t you worry about how this situation is going to turn out? Come on, it’ll be fun.” No, worry is a thought path that we choose to take; no one can make us choose to worry. Even if it were possible for worry to be a person that spoke to us, we could always choose not to listen!

People worry about all kinds of things. It could be a situation at work, a challenging relationship, a problem with a key client, or a new customer. It could be your kids, grandkids, or some other family member. The list of things that people worry about is virtually endless. For most people, once they entertain one drop of worry it opens the flood gates for worry to overwhelm their mind. Worry gnaws at your insides like a termite gnaws on wood. It scratches you like a proverbial piece of sandpaper. It bothers you like a leaky faucet that won’t stop dripping in the middle of the night. We all know how worry makes us feel, and how unproductive it can be. This begs the question, how do we deal with worry thoughts effectively?

Here are three (3) effective ways to deal with worry:

1) Find a positive distraction.

One of the best ways to get rid of a bad habit is to focus on creating a good habit. The same is true for worry thoughts. You cannot really get rid of a thought as much as you can replace it with a positive thought. Instead of worrying how a bill will get paid, use your creative energy to discover ways to create wealth. Is there an additional service that you can provide to clients that will enable you to raise your rates? Instead of fretting over whether you will gain 5lbs or not, why not go for a brisk walk or stop by the gym before or after work for a 30-45 minute workout. Don’t sit and stew in your unproductive thoughts, get up and find a positive distraction that will spark your creativity, and make you feel better in the process.

2) Take action.

No matter what your situation is, sitting and feeling bad about it is not going to help anything. Do the required research, talk to whoever you need to talk to, brainstorm by yourself of with a creative group of friends, but at the end of the day, you need to make a move. Act on the plan that you have. Even if you don’t feel like you know what to do, figure out what the best move is for the time being, and set out on that path. You may not have all of the information that you feel that you need, but you probably have enough information to make a solid decision. Make your decision, and take the action that is needed.

3) Filter your communication.

One of the secrets to breaking a cycle of worry thinking is to stop talking about the thing that has you feeling worried. Brian Tracy says, “Never say something about yourself that you do not sincerely want to be true.” For example, if you are dealing with a financial challenge in your business or personal life, don’t go around saying I’m broke, I can’t afford it, I’ll never get out of this financial problem. Cut that out! Instead of complaining, say something like, “I may be dealing with a financial challenge right now but I have a plan in place and I am working out of it. Things are turning around for my good.” You can use a positive attitude and a plan to turn almost any situation in your favor, whether it’s in your business, your career, your family, or your health. Speaking negative, perpetuates the negative. Speaking positive, short circuits negative outcomes, and fuels positive results. If you catch yourself speaking negative, just correct yourself. Don’t condemn yourself or call yourself stupid, just say, “Oops, that’s not what I meant to say. I meant to say things are going to work out just fine.” If you find it too difficult to counteract the negative talk with positive talk, then just don’t say anything at all. By the way, we begin to believe whatever we repeatedly hear ourselves say. Therefore, we should continually think and speak positively, since staying positive can only help. Put a positive filter on your communication. If you are thinking or speaking negatively about yourself, other people, or your situation, just filter it by choosing to speak and think positively. Filtering your communication will help you to eliminate worry. Worry is nothing but a habit, and habits can be changed. Worry is like spam, you don’t have to receive it if you don’t want to.

Practice the above three keys and you’ll be able to effectively deal with worry.

Question: Why do people seem to find it so difficult to stop worrying? What methods do you use to counteract worry?

I look forward to reading your answer.

Turn Your Setbacks into Accelerated Comebacks,

Craig L. Sanders
“The Comeback Specialist”

P.S. To inquire about Craig's book, "Keys to Manifesting Your Destiny", his coaching packages, or to have him speak at your event, please visit his website: http://www.craiglsanders.com/

P.P.S. Follow Craig on these following social media sites:

Twitter: @CRAIGLSANDERS http://bit.ly/5rMQy5

Facebook: http://bit.ly/8DHOzU

Linkedin: http://bit.ly/5kLw5F

Copyright 2010 Craig Sanders Unlimited, LLC